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I don’t speak Danish, who can help me apply?

Our system is in Danish, but you can always ask your union representative or the person responsible for education at your workplace for help e.g. with your application or if you want IKUF to pre-pay a participation fee for an approved application (only self-selected education). If you represent the company, you can ask your employers’ organization for help.

About TMKF

TMKF stands for “Træ- og Møbelindustriens Kompetencefond”.

TMKF was established by 3F – a danish trade union confederation and by TMI – a employer and industry association for companies in the Danish furniture- and wood industry, during the collective agreement renewal in 2007. The purpose is to ensure the development of employees’ qualifications to maintain and strengthen companies’ competitiveness.

Since 2007, TMKF has provided funding for self-selected courses for employees in the industry and later also agreed-upon education for the companies that have joined these collective agreements and for the employers who work under them:

  • Træ- og møbelindustriens overenskomst
  • Piano- og orgelbyggeroverenskomsten.

It is possible to apply for funding to self-selected education (the employer applies) or agreed-upon education (the employer and the company applies together).

If you have further questions, you are always welcome to call us, and we can guide you in English. You can reach us at +453377 9130